Реабілітація води та землі
Результати проекту
Шаблон для коментування звіту PHYTO/2024
Шаблон для коментування звіту з фіторемедіації
Шаблон для коментування ISTD
Шаблон для коментування звіту про хімічне окислення на місці
In-situ Thermal Desorption (ISTD) Draft report
This report summarizes the latest information on In-situ Thermal Desorption, advantages/disadvantages & ISTD effectiveness and operational control for ISTD application
Phytoremediation Draft Report/ 2024
This report summarizes the latest information on phytoremediation, that could help the distinct stakeholders such as site owners, surrounding community, project managers, contractors, regulators, and other practitioners to understand all the information emanating from each remediation project
In Situ chemical Reduction Questionnaire
This questionnaire looks at the input of case studies where IN SITU CHEMICAL REDUCTION were applied in a contaminated site.
Biopile Questionnaire 2024
This questionnaire looks at the input of case studies where Biopiles were applied in a contaminated site.
Soil Washing (SW) report/ 2022
This guideline compiles the most recent knowledge on one of the most used remediation technologies, i.e., Soil Washing (SW).
Multi Phase Extraction (MPE) report/ 2022
This report will focus on a specific type of in situ, on-site technology for site remediation, MPE, compiling the main principles of the technique, discussing its potential and challenges seeking a broader use and, simultaneously, capitalizing on the lessons learned from the field applications.
Звіт про екстракцію ґрунтових парів (SVE) / 2021
У цьому звіті узагальнено останню інформацію про технологію екстракції ґрунтової пари (SVE), її ефективність, переваги та недоліки, а також оперативний контроль за застосуванням SVE.
In Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) report/ 2021
ISCO is a family of remediation technologies in continuous evolution, which includes many oxidants, often involving a complex chemistry. ISCO could be considered as a aggressive approach. It is often selected as remediation technology when a limited timeframe for the remediation is a key criterion