Belgeler (398)
Water and Land
| Remediation
In Situ chemical Reduction Questionnaire
Yayınlanma Tarihi: 2024-01-01
This questionnaire looks at the input of case studies where IN SITU CHEMICAL REDUCTION were applied in a contaminated site.
İçinde mevcut:
Water and Land
| Remediation
Soil Washing (SW) report/ 2022
Yayınlanma Tarihi: 2023-01-31
This guideline compiles the most recent knowledge on one of the most used remediation technologies, i.e., Soil Washing (SW).
İçinde mevcut:
Water and Land
| Remediation
Multi Phase Extraction (MPE) report/ 2022
Yayınlanma Tarihi: 2022-11-21
This report will focus on a specific type of in situ, on-site technology for site remediation, MPE, compiling the main principles of the technique, discussing its potential and challenges seeking a broader use and, simultaneously, capitalizing on the lessons learned from the field applications.
İçinde mevcut:
Water and Land
| Remediation
Toprak Buharı Ekstraksiyonu (SVE) raporu/ 2021
Yayınlanma Tarihi: 2021-11-08
Bu rapor, Toprak Buharı Ekstraksiyonu (SVE) teknolojisi, SVE'nin etkinliği, avantajları ve dezavantajları ve SVE uygulaması için operasyonel kontrol hakkındaki en son bilgileri özetlemektedir.
Water and Land
| Remediation
In Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) report/ 2021
Yayınlanma Tarihi: 2021-11-08
ISCO is a family of remediation technologies in continuous evolution, which includes many oxidants, often involving a complex chemistry. ISCO could be considered as a aggressive approach. It is often selected as remediation technology when a limited timeframe for the remediation is a key criterion