Water Over-abstraction and Illegal Abstraction Detection and Assessment (WODA)

Rezultatele proiectului

Water Over-abstraction and Illegal Abstraction Detection and Assessment (WODA)/2015
The present document describes the outputs of the questionnaire and pilot feasibility studiess and provides a final chapter, called “Implementation document” which includes a discussion of the results, provide suggestions on how to apply the Copernicus Guidance document and, more in general, on how to exploit the information available from the Copernicus programme, in particular from satellites Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2
Studiu de Fezabilitate WODA România
Acest document descrie Studiul Pilot de Fezabilitate referitor la România, în cadrul proiectului WODA (Water Over-abstraction and illegal abstraction Detection and Assessment).
Studiu de fezabilitate WODA Malta
Acest document descrie studiul pilot de fezabilitate referitor la Malta, în cadrul proiectului WODA (detectarea și evaluarea supracaptării de apă și a captării ilegale).
WODA Feasibility Study Lombardy
This document describes the Pilot Feasibility Study related to Lombardy, in the framework of WODA project (Water Over-abstraction and illegal abstraction Detection and Assessment).
Guidance on Water Over-abstraction and Illegal Abstraction Detection and Assessment (WODA)/2016
The purpose of WODA2 has indeed been to carry on experimenting EO methods in illegal water abstraction detection exploiting the added value offered by Sentinel-2A. The testing activities of WODA2 have been focused on the Malta Pilot Study for the following reasons:
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