Zlepšení povolování a kontrol zařízení pro chov prasat podle IPPC vypracováním praktických pokynů
Výstupy projektu
IPPC Permitting and Inspection in Pig Farming -Phase I/ 2009
This report, produced by IMPEL in 2009, examines the implementation of the IPPC Directive in regulating intensive pig farms across 17 EU member states. It identifies key environmental issues like manure management, housing systems, air abatement, and odor assessment. The report analyzes permitting and inspection practices, highlighting inconsistencies and challenges in translating BREF (Best Available Techniques Reference Document) conclusions into permit conditions. It recommends improvements in data sharing, BREF accessibility, and integrated assessment methods.
IPPC Permitting and Inspection in Pig Farming- Phase II&III/ 2012
This 2011-2012 IMPEL report builds upon the 2009 project by developing guidance and inspection tools for IPPC pig farms. The project emphasizes collaboration and information exchange between inspectors and permit writers through workshops and a dedicated online platform. The report discusses case studies, tools like the KTBL (German Agricultural Society) tool and the BAT farm project, and highlights challenges like language barriers and the need for a more standardized approach to guidance development.