Проекти (5)

конференція 4 Networks, Рим 2023
2023 | Завершено
Загальна мета конференцій 4 Networks - зібрати всі відповідні сторони разом для обговорення спільних зусиль у боротьбі з екологічними злочинами
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4 Networks Conference, Virtual 2021
2021 | Завершено
IMPEL, EnviCrimeNet, ENPE, and EUFJE organised 4 Network Conference as virtual event with the support of LIFE+ SATEC Project, to bring together specialised practitioners involved in fighting environmental crime.
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4 Networks Conference Oxford, 2017Tags: enforcement
2017 | Завершено
Building on the momentum generated by the very successful 2016 Networks Conference that took place in Utrecht 12-13 May , this Terms of Reference sets out a plan to go further in the development of partnerships established with the networks of Judges (EU FJE), Prosecutors (ENPE) and Police (ENVI CrimeNet).
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4 Network Conference Utrecht, 2016
2016 - 2016 | Завершено
There are two main themes that drive the need for this conference:
To strengthen collaboration in the enforcement chain and,
To encourage further innovation in compliance and enforcement.
The idea of a Networks Conference is essential if we want to examine and look at ways of improving the enforcement chain as a whole. To this end, further coordination with sister organisations: EU FJE (EU Judges network) and ENPE (EU prosecutor network) and ENVI CrimeNet is needed.
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4 Network Conferences
2016 | Триває
Working with our key partner, the European Commission, this conference has provided a forum for highlighting common challenges and practical solutions whilst examining case studies that help the less experienced to learn from more experienced practitioners.
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