Inspection guidance book for intensive piggeries


This guidance book is the result of the collaboration of the countries represented in the IMPEL project “Improving permitting and inspection of IPPC pig farming installations”. The aim of the project is to develop practical tools for IPPC pig farm inspectors. The structure of the book is based on activities on a pig farm. This fits the daily practice on a pig farm and a regular inspection on a pig farm.

Five main environmental issues selected are:

  1. Manure storage
  2. Manure spreading on land
  3. Animal housing systems
  4. Air abatement techniques, and
  5. Odour assessment.

European legislation is applicable on large pig farms. Most important is the Industrial Emissions Directive (previously the IPPC Directive), which contains regulation for IPPC installations. The minimum amount of pigs in the IED is 2000 productions pigs or 750 sows. The IED contains requirements on environmental inspections. Also, de IED demands IPPC installations use the Best Available Techniques (BAT), which are in the Bref document “Intensive rearing of poultry and pigs”. For most pig farm activities a BAT can be defined and is given in this guidance. This helps inspectors to find their way in the complicated and elaborate Bref document.

Inspection preparation includes the collection of information and the study of the available drawings, maps and technical information. Inspectors also study connected legislation and guidelines (if they are available). The visit consists of two parts. One part will examine the documents, reviews and records in the installation office, the other part will take place during the check of the installation. Checklists and main questions for inspection from this guidance can be used for all inspection steps.

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