Våra projekt (2)

Sustainable Landspreading

2015 | Pågående
The project (SWETE-Safeguarding the Water Environment Throughout Europe, phases I-V) seeks to build a common understanding of our regulatory approaches, build networks of experts and develop shared resources to enhance technical resilience, into the water environment arena (and specifically on the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). SWETE phase VII and the 2021 Sustainable Landspreading project focuses on the study of the capacity of soils to accept contaminants from land spreading activities.
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Soil Conference

2015 - 2015 | Färdigställd
IMPEL is organising the 2015 Soil Conference, with the scope of sharing experiences and to support the implementation of best practices about soil protection among Practitioners at EU level. The context is the “International Year of Soils (IYS)”, declared by the United Nations for this year and, in general the opportunity of developing at awareness raising initiatives on protection of this vital environmental compartment.
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