Water and land

Consciousness of the threat represented by quality and quantity degradation of water resources has increased over the years. As well as problems related to poor management of land and soils. The presence of a number of different administrative and enforcement structures operating in a single thematic area, the need to operate in a defined strategical line set up by framework directives and insufficient evidence, data and information, are reported as major causes for implementation gap. This consequently can endanger the capability of Water Managers in planning adequate interventions.

In order to deal with these challenges, the Water and Land Expert Team is taking into consideration two approaches:

  • a traditional one, from IMPEL’s point of view, to Environmental protection, based on inspection and promotion; and
  • a relatively innovative one, which looks at environmental monitoring as instrument to support strategic planning required by Framework Directives

The topics of the activity, in this view, will be enforceable duties directly or indirectly related to directives such as Water Framework Directive, Nitrates Directive, Marine Strategy directives; in the view of the Soil Health Law also, projects related to water and land remediation of contaminated sites, mining areas management and other soil threats will be promoted. 


Key areas

  • Water and land remediation
  • Diffuse pollution
  • Mining areas
  • Soil threats
  • Land take
  • Cross Compliance in CAP
  • Water Management
  • Support to Planning Managers in implementation of Framework and Strategy Directives on W&L topics
  • Agriculture and cross compliance in CAP

Related projects

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  • Soil Conference

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