Nature protection in permitting and inspection of industrial installations – Implementation of Art. 6(3) of the Habitats Directive (phase 1, 2 & 3)

2014 - 2015
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Tags Biodiversity HD-Habitats Inspection Natura 2000 Permitting

Project description and aims

This project consists of two phases. It started in 2014 with the project “Nature protection in permitting and inspection of industrial installations Implementation of Art. 6(3) of the Habitats Directive”. The main findings of the project 2014 concluded that there is a need for improving knowledge about and use of EU guidance  and awareness raising measures, sharing existing national guidance and scientific studies, exchanging knowledge about screening criteria and assessment methodologies, e.g accepted practices: use of Critical Loads (CL), criteria for habitat loss (Fachkonventionen DE), new approaches e.g. for evaluation of Nitrogen-deposition. It also suggested to develop a targeted user-friendly guidance.

Concerning permitting, it recommended the following:

  • Integration of information about screening and appropriate assessment (AA) (carried out or not and results/consequences) into the permit;
  • Integration of conditions concerning Natura 2000 sites into permits;
  • Exchange of experience concerning dealing with activities without permits (e.g. small farms): are these activities covered by conservation authorities?;
  • Definition of general requirements concerning permits for activities in / near protected areas taking into account Natura 2000 sites.

The second phase of the project will therefor continue with the exchange of experience concerning the applicability of the EU Guidance Document “Wind energy developments and Natura 2000” and its evaluation. At the same time improving better knowledge about the document and discussion of national approaches. If necessary, the evaluation may provide input for the Member States and the Commission. Other sector specific guidance documents concerning industrial installations do not exist on EU level. For the development of a common understanding and sharing as well as spreading knowledge sector specific guidance on several project types (relevant in many or all EU countries) should be developed.


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