Smernice in orodja (5)

Doing the right things methodology for permitting – Comparison

Projekt: Doing the Right Things Methodology
Doing the right things for environmental permitting is an ongoing project (2016-2018) that looks closely at the relation between permitting and inspection, identify interesting case studies and best practices in Europe and identify and describe the steps that could be used in permitting procedures.

Metodologija za izdajanje dovoljenj - Primerjava

Projekt: Doing the Right Things Methodology

Doing the right things for environmental permitting je projekt v teku (2016-2018), ki podrobno preučuje razmerje med izdajo dovoljenj in inšpekcijo, ugotavlja zanimive študije primerov in najboljše prakse v Evropi ter opredeljuje in opisuje korake, ki bi jih lahko uporabili v postopkih izdaje dovoljenj.

Predlog tega triletnega projekta je: 1) zbrati in primerjati postopke, ki se trenutno uporabljajo v Evropi, ter pojasniti potrebe, 2) na podlagi teh informacij bo projektna skupina razvila smernice, ki bodo dovolj prožne, da se bodo lahko prilagodile organom v Evropi pri izdajanju dovoljenj za IED, 3) organizirati usposabljanja o izdajanju dovoljenj za IED ter ugotoviti vrzeli v orodjih in metodologijah za izdajo dovoljenj, da se bodo lahko začeli novi projekti IMPEL.

Končni rezultat dela so smernice po korakih za izdajanje dovoljenj, dobro usposobljeni uradniki za izdajanje dovoljenj in opredelitev novih pobud IMPEL za projekte o izdajanju dovoljenj.

Guidance for the implementation of the IED in planning and execution of inspections

Projekt: Doing the Right Things Methodology
This guidance was produced under the 2012 IMPEL project: Environmental inspections of industrial installations in accordance with the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) The main objective of this project was to organise an exchange of information concerning best practices for the implementation of article 23 of the IED taking into account the guidance on inspection planning and risk appraisal already developed by IMPEL and the requirements described in Article 23 of the IED.

Step-by step guidance book for planning of environmental inspection

Projekt: Doing the Right Things Methodology
Pursuant to the Recommendation providing for minimum criteria for environmental inspections (RMCEI) all inspection activities should be planned in advance.

Projekt: Doing the Right Things Methodology
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