Common Regulatory Frameworks in Member States – Comparison Project

2010 - 2010
Vodilna država in kontaktna oseba

United Kingdom

Tags Comparison Enforcement Governance Permitting

Project description and aims

Better regulation initiatives to improve efficiency and effectiveness whilst maintaining or improving levels of environment protection are increasingly being used by environmental inspectorates in Member States often in response to challenges such as limited resources and increasing pressures on the environment.

The prevailing economic conditions and heightened interest in the actual or perceived impacts of regulation are also powerful influences, particularly with respect to enterprise and industry. Simplified and streamlined approaches and focusing on improvements in regulatory outcomes are therefore key objectives for many regulators and Governments in the EU.

The creation of a common regulatory framework[1] is an example of a better regulation initiative that is being or has been implemented by some Member States to address these challenges.

Permitting and compliance systems have often developed separately over time and may have different procedures and rules creating a complex regulatory system. Creating a common regulatory framework can provide a consistent way to implement existing and new legislation recognising the common goal of protecting the environment and human health. It has the potential to help simplify and streamline of regulatory activities and processes through the development of common systems, procedures, guidance and language. It also has the potential to ensure that processes and activities are more workable, transparent and flexible and to reduce administrative burden to business.

Many EU countries will have recent examples of legislation they have modernised and where this has provided an opportunity to review how legal requirements are packaged and delivered. Member States are at different stages in the process and will be devising systems to suit their own circumstances. This provides an opportunity to learn from the various choices that are or have already been made.

[1] The simplification and streamlining of regulatory activities and processes through the development of common systems, procedures, guidance and language.


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