Sustainable Landspreading

Результаты проекта

Sustainable Land Spreading/2021
The aims were to compare and contrast the different approaches to sludge management in different member countries and organisations to highlight common problems, solutions and areas of best practice as examples for others to learn from.
SWETE-Phase V- Agriculture Workshop/ 2019
Exchange experiences about how the risk analysis for sampling farms for cross-compliance control can be performed. In addition the workshop dealt with the risk based control of livestock productions regulated by the Industrial Emissions Directive in order to explore possible common ground and inspiration. A
SWETE-Phase V-Landspreading Waste Materials Conference/ 2019
The aim of the conference was to gain a better understanding between IMPEL Members of environmental issues around the landspreading of waste and sludge to land and how they are regulated in different countries. Also, to explore possible synergies and co-operation in tackling the environmental impacts of these activities.
SWETE - Phase III/ 2017
The report is about two issues: Wastewater Discharge Permitting and Manure Storage Capacity
SWETE - Phase II/ 2016
The focus of the workshop was to review the outputs and findings from phase 1 of the SWETE project and use these to inform the planning of a conference.
SWETE - Phase I/ 2015
This is a small first phase study designed to gain an overview of the regulatory methods and capabilities used by MS to implement the WFD. It seeks to identify areas of good practice and potential gaps in capability which may reduce the effectiveness of attainment of the WFD agreed outcomes.
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