4 Network Conference Utrecht, 2016

2016 - 2016
Tags Conference Enforcement Environmental Crime Information exchange

There are two main themes that drive the need for this conference:

  1. To strengthen collaboration in the enforcement chain and,
  2. To encourage further innovation in compliance and enforcement.

The idea of a Networks Conference is essential if we want to examine and look at ways of improving the enforcement chain as a whole. To this end, further coordination with sister organisations: EU FJE (EU Judges network) and ENPE (EU prosecutor network) and ENVI CrimeNet is needed.
The aim is to highlight case studies of good cooperation and best practice between permitters / inspectors, prosecutors, judges and police officers. We will showcase lessons learnt and case studies where things could have been better as well as what we can all do to improve protection of the environment. Particular emphasis in the sessions of the conference should be given to the linkages and communication between each part of the chain.
Against the backdrop of resource challenges that many agencies & enforcement organisations are facing; we all have to implement smarter and more efficient ways of using our limited budgets and staff resource. The conference will therefore seek to highlight areas of innovation in compliance and enforcement along the chain.
On a general level, better, more in-depth cooperation between the networks is a clear goal and aim for us all. We will aim to be better at communicating with each other and cooperating on a more structured basis with the added possibility that future joint projects could be carried out on a more regular basis. From IMPEL’s point of view more specifically, the desired outcome is feedback and contribution to the work we have been doing on understanding the ‘Implementation Challenge’. In other words, what are the key gaps in implementation and enforcement of environmental law in Europe and what can we do and what are we doing to fill those gaps. The areas highlighted by the conference on enforcement and innovation should stimulate and offer solutions to filling several of those gaps.

 You can find more information in the below links:

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