IMPEL Water and Land Conference 2018

Tags Conference Information exchange Soil Waste management

The Conference was held in Zwolle (NL) on September 27th.
In the opening addresses, Miroslav Angelov (EU Commission, DG Environment) gave an overview about the Commission Action Plan on Environmental Compliance and Governance, while Giuseppe Sgorbati (Water & Land Expert Team leader) gave an overview about IMPEL ambitions matching with the Conference topics.

The Conference aimed at improving understanding of CAP implementation issues from across the EU Member States using in particular the findings of the achieving better compliance in the agricultural sector through networking and partnership working of environmental and agricultural inspectorates project, the Good Practice for Tackling Nitrate Pollution from Farms and Farmsteads project and direct information from MSs. A primary aim and intended outcome of the Conference was building and strengthening the IMPEL network through offering mutual support, training opportunity and exchange of good practice. As every year a W&L ET meeting follows the W&L Conference; the 2018 W&L ET meeting was not “back to back” with the Conference (as previous years) but back to back with the Water Crimes project workshop, about a month after the Conference.

The W&L Conference and the W&L ET meeting first Announcement was officially launched on May 10th (in attach), while the call for Participation, call for Abstracts was officially launched on June 1st (in attach).

The project team group was composed by: - project manager: Giuseppe Sgorbati

- project members: Lorenzo Bonardi, Paul Hickey, Barrie Howe, Thomas Ormund, Geneve Farabegoli, Francesco Andreotti, Marco Falconi, Paolo Giandon, Fabio Carella.

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