Mapping of the European Agencies involved in implementing the environmental acquis

2017 - 2019
Tags Governance

The IMPEL network has grown significantly since 2008 when it became an independent Association registered under Belgian Law. In 2008 there were 38 member authorities in 2008 versus 51 in 2016.

However, there are still significant gaps in IMPEL’s membership as well as active involvement in project activities. This is particularly clear given IMPEL’s recent re-structuring to include Nature Protection and Land & Water activities in its work programme. More than that though, there is also a clear need to work at a sub-national level with regional and local authorities who manage and carry out implementation and enforcement activities. This was reiterated by the European Commission during a recent meeting with the IMPEL Board in Brussels on 27 May 2016 but also with the Committee of the Regions who hosted the General Assembly in Brussels in 2014. Up to now, IMPEL’s membership from sub-national authorities is rather limited and this needs to change if we are to improve implementation more broadly in Europe.

A thorough mapping exercise will help us to examine the gaps in our membership and help us to plan where and whom we need to talk to encourage greater participation in projects and ultimately membership of our network.

There is also some uncertainty around the roles of authorities in many European Member States. This mapping exercise will seek to highlight in a broad sense the competences of authorities and where possible indicate contact points for our Expert Teams to use to encourage more participation.

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