Project description and aims
The project was developed because of the strong demand for effective instruments for aiming inspections, in an optimized way, for the check of respect of EU legislation related to human activities; not only for large Industries but also for other human activities. The quality of the environment also depends on smaller installations and on agriculture, with potential and actual impact over environmental compartments such as air, soil, water.
The aim of the project is to foster the use of risk analysis tools in all sectors of environmental inspections, as instrument to optimize the use of resources of inspection authorities, through:
- the continuous collection and sharing of experience about risk criteria and their use, for the generality of inspection tasks, through the creation of a web based tool accessible to inspection authorities to facilitate the choice of impact criteria to be used in a risk analysis tool;
- the extension of the use of risk analysis tools for the prioritization of inspections to tackle sources of environmental pollution different than IED and Seveso activities, through the adaption of existing tools, or the creation of new tools and the dissemination of the techniques.
In the realization of the project, special focus will be dedicated to provide for agricultural risk indicators and parameters, specific risk analysis tool for inspection programming in this field.