Prosjekter (5)

Kunnskaps- og informasjonsprogram

2022 | Løpende
I løpet av de siste årene har IMPEL og Europakommisjonen kommet med sine standpunkter når det gjelder kapasitetsbygging, og følgelig tar ulike IMPEL-prosjekter nå initiativ til å utvikle sine ideer om hvordan de kan støtte sine medlemmer i å implementere produktene de leverer.
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National Peer Review Initiative (NPRI)

2019 | Løpende
The project aims at setting the basis for the development of autonomous Peer Review activities in National Networks of Environmental Authorities and Agencies. It can be used as an instrument to improve own performances through dialog, collaborative confrontation and sharing of good practices among the peers belonging to the same network.
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Capacity Building and Training

2019 - 2021 | Ferdigstilt
In the last several years IMPEL and the European Commission have issued their positions concerning capacity building and consequently different IMPEL projects are now taking the initiative to develop their ideas on how to support its members in implementing the products that they deliver.
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Support and follow up to the Romanian Nature Conservation IRI

2015 | Ferdigstilt
In 2014, the first ‘green’ IRI was executed in Romania. Best practice and opportunities for development were identified. During the course of the IRI, the Romanian National Environmental Guard (NEG) pointed out that certain results of the IRI were cogent in their analysis and that further work should be carried out to help them implement the results. The NEG therefore requested an exchange of knowledge and expertise focusing on, for example, the organisation of environmental and nature protection agencies: should they be separated or merged?
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IMPEL Review Initiative focussing on Nature Conservation (‘Green IRI’)

2014 | Løpende
Following the general IMPEL Review Initiative (IRI), this projects aims to make a picture of current situation within Member State or in certain area of the Member State in relation to the implementation and enforcement of EU legislation on nature conservation; mainly the Birds and Habitats Directives. The results are identified good practices and opportunities for improvement.
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