Europe Marine Transborder Transect
Projekta rezultāti
Europe Marine Transborder Transect-Data Analysis/ 2024
This document describes how data on potential threats that need to be addressed according to the EU legislative framework (i.e., maritime traffic, pollution by marine litter) are collected and analysed in order to identify priority conservation areas and seasons, and support effective mitigation actions towards marine species.
Europe Marine Transborder Transect-Data Format, Validation and Database/ 2023
In this report, the main existing data repositories related to biodiversity/marine species are described, providing information on their purposes, functioning and outputs. The specific requirements of each repository, standards used, and information on how it is possible to contribute to them are also reported in detail.
Europe Marine Transborder Transect-State of Art/ 2021
This document is intended to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art monitoring of large marine vertebrates from fixed line platforms, with a special focus on commercial ferries and cargoes, considering the relative framework of international and regional agreements and conventions, and the main monitoring programs developed within research institutions, NGOs, and national initiatives