Assess the use of Copernicus Satellite images in environmental and nature conservation inspections and their evidential value

2018 - 2019
Pagrindinė šalis ir kontaktiniai asmenys

Portugal (lead for Phase II: Drones and mobile technology (2017))

Tags Geointelligence Good practice Inspection

Project description and aims

Environmental law enforcement may be supported by highly updated and valuable geographic information, gathering, storing, managing and assisting the field activities. However, still uncertain are the methods, institutional use and the legal application of these tools for the environmental and land use analysis.

Therefore, this project aims to identify the potential users of these remote sensing data, based on Copernicus services and understand how this information can support the environmental and nature conservation inspections inspection activities within the specificity of each IMPEL members involved and how it has already been applied and can be applied in the future, considering main procedures, methods, (open) access to such procedures and methods and legal constrains (concerning geo-spatial evidence appliance in different countries legal background).

Expected outcomes:

  • Exchange of information and current best practice concerning the use of Copernicus services and UAV as a tool for environmental and nature conservation inspections and the possible legal constraints regarding the use of the collected data;
  • Gather knowledge on the development of methodologies that assist IMPEL members who are currently using or planning to use these tools/technologies;
  • Increase the capability of using Copernicus services outputs to support and prioritize inspection programs;
  • Share methodologies and expertise of geographic information applied in environmental and nature conservation inspections;
  • Identify potential barriers to using geo-spatial technologies regarding their probative value.


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