4 Network Conferences

Tags Conference Enforcement Environmental Crime Information exchange

A high level of environmental protection is one of the fundamental objectives of the EU. Failure to fully implement environmental legislation costs the EU around €50 billion every year in health costs and direct costs to the environment. Strengthening the environmental compliance chain of policymakers, inspectors, police, prosecutors and judges is critical to ensure that environmental crime is reduced, and ultimately stopped, and to build a level playing field for Europe’s business communities. 

The four European environmental crime enforcement networks, IMPEL - The European Union Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law, EUFJE - The European Union Forum of Judges for the Environment, ENPE - The European Network of Prosecutors for the Environment, and EnviCrimeNet, have joined together to organize “4 Network Conferences” with the explicit task of working to strengthen enforcement of EU environment and nature law and the compliance chain as a whole. The four networks all share the same aim with the EU to improve good implementation and enforcement of EU law that results in the safeguarding of health and our citizens well-being.

Working with our key partner, the European Commission, this conference has provided a forum for highlighting common challenges and practical solutions whilst examining case studies that help the less experienced to learn from more experienced practitioners.

The 4 Network Conference has been organized since 2016 and  you can find more information about past conferences with the below links:

The 4 Network Conference-Utrecht, 2016

The 4 Network Conference-Oxford, 2017

The 4 Network Conference-Virtual, 2021

The 4 Network Conference-Rome, 2023

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