E-waste inspection and enforcement manual


This manual aims to offer practical guidance and background information to regulatory and enforcement officers who deal with the transboundary movements of used electrical and electronic equipment (UEEE) and electrical and electronic waste (e-waste). While actions of both export and import countries are important to effectively enforce the Basel Convention, including in relation to e-waste, the manual focuses primarily on countries of import. This is due to the fact that the project aims to support capacity building in the countries concerned which are principally countries of import. As seaports are by far the main points of entry of shipments of UEEE and e-waste into the African continent, this manual focuses on capacity building of and improved collaboration among enforcement and regulatory officers whose daily work is related to African seaports.

The manual was prepared in 2012 by members of the IMPEL project team, responsible for the execution of component IV of the E-waste Africa project. The preparation has been done in close collaboration with Secretariat of the Basel Convention and the BCCC-Nigeria.

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