Use of technology in regulation

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Tags AI Conference Enforcement Geointelligence Good practice

Project description and aims

Phase I: Mini-conference (2015)

All inspectorates are required to be as efficient and effective as possible whilst still offering existing or even expanded services. Recent IMPEL Review Initiatives have yielded information on various technological advances being made by regulatory agencies within Europe.

This mini conference intends to share the learning of not only what is out there but also the back story of the pitfalls/costs of development & teething issues that lead to the finished product. This is not about sharing minimum criteria more the art of the possible and how to get there as efficiently as possible.

Proposed basic structure:

  • The design & use of apps in regulation;
  • The use of hand held technology and integration with back-office technology;
  • Back-office technology interface with the public.

The target groups of conference are regulatory managers with the ability to influence change, regulatory development professionals and IT professionals with a regulatory background.

The conference facilitates the sharing knowledge (and even technology) and learning to enable other agencies to increase their capacity hopefully in the process avoiding some of the pitfalls in development. The intention is to host the X-cutting expert team meeting adjacent to the mini conference. This will have the added benefit of getting many more people to attend the expert team meeting.

Phase II: Drones and mobile technology (2017)

Many agencies are currently introducing new technology into their agencies to enhance their capabilities. It was identified in the X-Cutting Expert Team Technology Conference in Glasgow that many of us are embarking on projects in this area each breaking our own new ground and using much resource (manpower and cash).

This project seeks to compare using questionnaire what has been done so far and who is embarking on developments in this area. The learning from this will be used to develop a process with pitfalls and short cuts highlighted designed to enable us all to get there quicker. The output will be guidance and an e-learning package that can be shared amongst members. By understanding what options are available regulators will be able to identify the best range of tools for the job in hand. It is truly cross-cutting as it applies to all legislation.

Phase III: Mini Conference (2019)

Environmental regulators face a constant struggle to be able to do more with less or more with the same level of resources.  To become or continue to remain an efficient and effective regulator, new technology needs to be embraced.

In 2019 the focus will be on cutting edge developments in the use of technology including artificial intelligence (and machine learning), eDNA, sensor technology and the use of earth observation techniques.

Therefore, the 2019 mini conference creates the opportunity for IMPEL practitioners, with a variety of roles, to ensure their latest technology developments can be shared with their peers.

Expected outcomes:

  • Report of the conference.


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