Juhised ja vahendid (4)

Jäätmete töötlemine enne prügilasse ladestamist vastavalt art. 6 prügiladirektiivi kohaselt

Projekt: Waste management and Circular Economy (previous Landfill Inspections Project series)

Käesolevas aruandes esitatakse IMPELi prügilaprojekti selle osa tulemused, milles keskenduti direktiivi 1999/31/EÜ (prügilate kohta) artikli 6 rakendamisele ELi liikmesriikides, et uurida olukorda liikmesriikides seoses töötlemata jäätmete prügilasse ladestamisega. Esialgu levitati uuring.

Guidance Making the Circular Economy Work

A crucial element in the transition to the Circular Economy are the innovations at production and recycling facilities that aim at resource efficiency, the prevention of waste and the use of production residues or materials recovered from waste as secondary raw materials.

Guidance book for landfill inspections (revised version 2016)

Projekt: Waste management and Circular Economy (previous Landfill Inspections Project series)
As an inspection at a landfill has to cover different subjects. Based on IMPEL’s project on Landfills, the inspection team decided to choose certain subjects to focus on for this guidance, namely: (1) Criteria and procedures for the acceptance of waste.

Waste sites manual

Projekt: Waste sites
In view of problematic waste streams worldwide, notably of electronic waste, end-of-life vehicles and their components from Europe to Africa, waste shipment experts nowadays agree on the necessity to target more effectively the sources of illegal waste streams and the “upstream” facilities where such waste is collected, stored and/or treated prior to export.
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