Water and Land Remediation

Lead country and contact

Italy | Marco Falconi

Tags Contaminated sites Groundwater Soil Surface water

Project description and aims

The contaminated sites management is a process that has different speeds in Member States. This is due partly to differences in legislation that would mean different definitions as for making some examples “potentially contaminated sites”, “contaminated sites”, “remediated sites”. For this reason, the European Commission-JRC launched an initiative with EEA-EIONET network to find common definitions and a survey in MS in 2018 that resulted in defining 6 site statuses.

The expected outcomes of this projects are:

  •  Support/exchange technical experience required to make progress with the Remediation phase in Europe in order to enable those MS in which no procedure is currently taking place to have one reference.
  • To share knowledge, skills and good practices, producing technical guidance, coordinating action between countries.
  • To involve the main European Networks that deals with contaminated sites issues like COMMON FORUM, Eionet WG Contamination, and NICOLE.
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