WEEE Article 17 Free-riders Project

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Article 17 WEEE 2012/19/EU: Authorised representative:

  • Each member state shall ensure that a producer as defined in article 3(1)(f)(i) to (iii) established in another member state is allowed, by way of exception to article 3(1)(f)(i) to (iii), to appoint a legal or natural person established on its territory as the authorised representative that is responsible for fulfilling the obligations of that producer, pursuant to this directive, on its territory.
  • Each member state shall ensure that a producer as defined in article 3(1)(f)(iv) and established on its territory, which sells EEE to another member state in which it is not established, appoints an authorised representative in that member state as the person responsible for fulfilling the obligations of that producer, pursuant to this directive, on the territory of that member state.
  • Appointment of an authorised representative shall be by written mandate.
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