Transfrontier shipments of E-waste

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United Kingdom

Tags E-waste Enforcement Inspection

Project description and aims

Practicability and Enforceability of the WEEE Recast Proposal (2009)

IMPEL previously developed a checklist to examine the practicability and enforceability (P&E)
issues of proposed and existing environmental law. In December 2008 the Commission adopted a Recast Proposal for the WEEE Directive. This report describes an assessment of the P&E issues arising from the proposal based on the IMPEL checklist.  The report presents a synthesis of the results of the questionnaire responses and workshop discussions and highlights a wide range of P&E issues.

Tackling illegal E-waste exports (2010)

The legitimate, safe disposal of electronic waste (e-waste) has been a problem for many countries for a number of years with catastrophic consequences to the health and well being of human beings and significant degradation to the environment particularly in the developing nations. A plethora of International Laws and Regulations have so far failed to regulate the global market in which unscrupulous operators are able to profit from disposing of e-waste cheaply and illegally abroad instead of taking the environmentally responsible but more expensive option of full recycling to remove and neutralise toxic materials. This project has sought to help participating member states better understand their own contribution to this problem and how they might tackle the problem of illegal e-waste exports more effectively.


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