Project description and aims
Members of the IMPEL TFS Steering Committee annually attend workshops of the Asia Network on the Prevention of Illegally Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and of the Regional Enforcement Network for Chemicals and Waste (REN).
The workshop topics normally relate to e-waste and ESM, national updates on enforcement activities with the newly introduced and recently amended regulations on hazardous wastes, transboundary movement statistics, illegal cases as well as relevant policies on recycling and ESM of hazardous wastes. Also difficulties faced by the countries relating to take-back of detected illegal transboundary shipment are being discussed.
IMPEL plays an important role concerning in the discussion on how to improve the collaboration between networks and provided the participants with a presentation about the use and benefits of Basecamp and the recently established verification and communication procedures. Some countries, such as Indonesia and Singapore, expressed their interest to become involved in a joint project on verifications. It was decided that at the next workshop the take-back issue should be a joint effort.