The Big/Little TFS project

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Tags Indicators/criteria Inspection Recycling Waste management

Project description and aims

Throughout several years and multiple IMPEL projects the initiators of the project have identified that multiple TFS inspectors together have had thousands of inspections in the field of TFS. All these inspections have boiled down to an extensive knowledge of the legislation connected to physical inspections of transboundary shipments of waste. However, despite several legislative changes and reviews of the legislation, they are still lacking a connection between legislators and inspectors out in the field when it comes to some of the details in the legislation. These “details” could be where there are certain intentions with the legislation but due to the disconnect due to long lines of communication and many agencies between legislators on a EU-level and TFS inspector and the level of which such “details” might not be brought up higher in each nations priorities towards the commission since they are just that, “details”.

The project aims to identify these very important details in connection to the physical inspections quantifiably, with the help of IMPEL statistics, as well as via qualitative interviews with TFS inspectors throughout the Member States in order to identify these details.

The used quantitative data will be used in conjunction with the qualitative to identify certain key points that, via statistics, can be identified as a problem for a large part of Europe and use the expert knowledge from TFS officers to boil down the problems with the statistics in connection with physical inspections. Then how these problems manifest themselves in the actual work in connection to a possible flaw or missed intent of the legislation.


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