SPIDER WEB: Strategic Project to Increase the Detection and Disruption of Environmental Crime in the Western Balkans

2018 - 2019
Tags ECD Information exchange Prosecution Surface water Training Wildlife crime

Project description and aims

SPIDER WEB is jointly financed by the European Union and the Federal Republic of Germany on the basis of a grant agreement with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GmbH) within the IPA/2017 Countering Serious Crime in the Western Balkans Project.

1. Background

Fighting serious and organised crime (SOC), including fighting environmental offenses regulated in EU and international legislation and agreements like the killing, destruction, possession or trade of specimens of protected wild fauna (particularly birds) or flora species, illegal logging / timber regulation or the improper collection, transport, recovery or disposal of (hazardous) waste, are key challenges not only, but particularly, in South East Europe (SEE) due to weak environmental awareness, data situation and financial and human resources. Today, these offences are still not considered a high enough priority, whilst their impact on human health, ecosystems and the environment is significant.

Compliance chains (permitters, inspectors, police, prosecutors and the judiciary) are only as strong as the weakest link. Auditing bodies as well as customs agencies are also key actors in determining the strength of this compliance chain.

Awareness raising, targeted capacity building measures about environmental crimes and collaboration are required to support the various actors in the compliance chain in South East Europe to raise the profile and priority level of environmental crime in the region. The EU accession process provides an opportunity to connect SEE actors to related EU networks for a sustainable partnership and continuous exchanges at individual and organisational level.

2. Objective

The general objective of SPIDER WEB is to increase the awareness and the skillset of all actors in the environmental law enforcement chain to successfully disrupt and prosecute illegal behaviour and limit the negative impact on human health and environment of this behaviour.

3. Scope

The geographical scope of work will initially focus on the 6 target countries:

  • Albania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • North Macedonia
  • Kosovo*
  • Montenegro
  • Serbia

However, the output and deliverables of SPIDER WEB will be made available to all IMPEL member organisations for use and application.

The overall focus will be on environmental issues, however the following two topics were prioritised:

  1. Nature Protection; including trade in wildlife covered by the Habitats and Birds Directive, and logging as regulated by the EU Timber Regulation.
  2. Waste Management; covering all aspect in the chain, from point of generation to transport and treatment covered by EU Waste Directives and Regulations (including Waste Framework Directive, European List of Waste, Waste Shipment Regulation and specific waste stream laws).

4. Methodology

  1. The approach will be to first assess the baseline in the 6 target countries on the state of play and possible gaps in practical implementation and enforcement of abovementioned provisions, and the performance of a training needs assessment among all involved authorities. Based on these results, training curricula will be developed in support of the operational activities and capacities of the authorities involved across the enforcement chain. But also, to facilitate operational networking, and to support the adoption of more effective and harmonised prosecution strategies.
  2. The core of SPIDER WEB’s activities will involve the development of training materials (following the identification of training needs), delivery of training and the development of a training manual. The training manual will have sections for police, prosecutors and judges, and if possible, for civil society organisations. The development of training materials will involve the preparation of presentations, tools, exercises, break-outs, case studies and guidance for use by the differing participant groups (permitters, inspectors, police, prosecutors and judges) in the training workshops.
  3. A final conference will offer a range of participants the opportunity to come together to discuss the compliance chain as a whole. If feasible, several breakout / mini workshop sessions on key themes will be convened before a plenary formally closes SPIDER WEB. Following the conference, a final report with tailored recommendations for each of the six countries will be produced and distributed in electronic format.

Deliverables and Output:

  • Baseline Survey and Report
  • Training Needs Assessment (TNA) and Report
  • Development of Training
  • Delivery of Training
  • Dissemination of Training Manual
  • Conference
  • Final Report
  • Dissemination of tools, information, best practices

5. Team

The SPIDER WEB team consists of the following persons:






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