IMPEL-TFS NCP Best Practice meetings

Lead country and contact


Czech Republic

Tags Enforcement Good practice Information exchange Waste management

Project description and aims

International cooperation and alignment is very important when it comes to the enforcement of the European Waste Shipment Regulation (WSR) (EC) No 1013/2006 as stated in article 50. Previous and running IMPEL-TFS (TransFrontier Shipments of waste) projects showed that it is essential to work together as competent authorities. The enforcement deficit of the EU waste shipment regulation remains serious. To improve the collaboration and alignment of enforcement, frequent contact between the European enforcement authorities is necessary. This project facilitates the exchange of information and experiences, case studies, discussions on interpretations and inspection approaches between the TFS National Contact Points (NCP’s).

The  annual best practice meetings aim to:

  • exchange information, working methods, case studies and experiences;
  • inform participants on new developments;
  • strengthen the network of NCP’s involved in the enforcement of the WSR 1013/2006
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