Doing the Right Things for Waste Shipment Inspections

2011 - 2012
Lead country and contact

The Netherlands

Tags Inspection Methodology Waste management

Project description and aims

This IMPEL-project explores the usefulness of the Doing the Right Thing (DTRT) methodology for waste shipment inspections. The aim is to develop a practical tool, based on the DTRT Guidance Book, which can help improve the organisation of waste shipment inspections by competent authorities in the IMPEL member countries. Three competent authorities from different IMPEL member countries will each apply the DTRT Guidance Book on waste shipment inspections and test how DTRT can support the organisation of those inspections. By organisation is meant all the different steps of planning, executing and evaluating inspections as described in the DTRT Environmental Inspection Cycle. The tests will be set up taking into account the findings and recommendations of the study on specific inspection requirements for waste shipments. The results of the testing phase will be discussed and used to develop a guidance tool based on the DTRT Guidance Book, which is suitable for the specific area of organising waste shipment inspections.

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