Project description and aims
In 2015 it was examined a good example of a ‘closed’ regulatory system under the hunting regulation in Slovenia, by soft and hard control measures which was found useful by several Member States. Therefore, a study inspection was organized in Slovenia in 2017 to see how the system was working in practice.
In 2019-2020 an online questionnaire has been sent out to inspectorates from member countries, Birdlife members and Face-members. Based on the analysis of the reply on the questionnaire two countries will be selected for a joint inspection in 2021.
Expected outcomes:
- Report-analysis of the scope of the problem according to illegal hunting tourism based on three different point of views (Authorities – Birdlife partners – FACE partners).
- Exchange of (enforcement) information the lead to a joint inspection in the field of hunting tourism and to investigate illegalities.
- Extend the network of inspectors working together.
- Identify good practice in enforcement that can contribute to prevent illegal activities connected to hunting tourism.