Nature protection expert team meeting and joint inspections

Lead country and contact


The Netherlands


Tags Conference Good practice Inspection Peer review

Project description and aims

In 2014 the first green IMPEL Review Initiaive (IRI) was executed in Romania, the second green IRI will be executed in May 2016 in Italy. Best practices and opportunities for improvement were identified. Romania pointed out a focus area where they want to exchange knowledge and expertise; namely on the organisation of environmental and nature protection agencies (separated or merged). During the workshop in Romania in 2015 the working group identified the issue of ‘illegal hunting tourism’ as an opportunity to work together to identify the scope of this activity and to identify legal and illegal aspects. This was based on a presentation from a prosecutor in Romania. This case had deep impact on nature conservation status and it was told that illegal activities still continue. In the management plan for the expert team on nature conservation the ‘backbone structure’ contains a cycle form an IRI activity, followed up with expert team meeting in the year after.

During the foreseen workshop at least the following four topics are scheduled:

  1. Results of green IRI Italy;
  2. Results of joint inspections;
  3. Exchange of information between authorites and NGO’s (progress report mailinglist);
  4. Possible projects for 2017.

2018 Expert team meeting

In the management plan for the expert team on nature protection the ‘backbone structure’ contains a cycle from an IRI activity, followed up with expert team meeting in the year after. During expert team meetings Member States present recent developments in wild life crime (best practices, crime cases), as well as results of projects on nature protection, collaboration with other networks and NGO’s (participation in LIFE plus activities) and future project proposals.

Main outcomes:

  • Exchange of (enforcement) information, collegial help to improve the organisation and execution of EU nature protection legislation requirements;
  • An extended the network of inspectors working together and,
  • Agreement on future activities.
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