IKB exchange of information between Enforcement and other Stakeholders (IMPEL-ESIX)

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Tags BD - Birds Biodiversity HD-Habitats Information exchange Natura 2000

Project description and aims

IKB exchange of information between Enforcement and other Stakeholders (IMPEL-ESIX)

Phase I (2013-2014)

Halting and reversing the loss of biodiversity by 2020 is a priority within the European Union. The implementation of EU Nature legislation (the Birds and Habitat Directives) is essential to achieve the EU 2020 biodiversity target. However, implementation and enforcement need to be improved.

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to eliminate illegal killing, trapping and trade of birds protected by the Birds Directive in the EU through raise awareness, exchange best practices and improve co-operation between enforcement experts. Based on some preliminary surveys, four focus areas are identified:

  1. illegal poisoning of birds, in particular raptors,
  2. illegal trapping of passerines,
  3. illegal killing of game and non-game species, and
  4. illegal trade of dead birds for human consumption.

Activities include strengthening links with the EU network of prosecutors, sharing expertise and facilitating information exchange, developing a tool to support inspectors on the ground and performing so-called ‘Green IMPEL Review Initiatives’ (IRIs).

Phase II (2015)

Crimes related to the illegal killing of birds (IKB) are, in many cases, a cross border problem. Enforcement is scattered (even within in MS) and  information and intelligence are crucial for proper enforcement strategies. Previous projects on this topic confirmed there is a need to gather and exchange information and intelligence.

The aim is to create a way (method) to exchange and share information with other EU MS Enforcement teams working in the field of IKB. This method will be  key topic during the conference that will be organised as part of the project.

The expected outcome of the research and conference is to establish a medium to share and exchange information and intelligence on IKB. Another possible outcome is to use already existing tools, such as EU TWIX mailing list an possible others.

Phase III (2016)

The third phase of this project will work on:

  1. Establishing a controlled mailing list based on protocols and appointments with authorities and
    umbrella organisation (f.i. Birdlife Europe) for the exchange of information on criminal
    activities, seizures, etc. according illegal killing of birds and EU timber regulation;
  2. Developing protocols and appointments, develop and launch of mailing list, communication
  3. Follow-up; explore funding possibilities; decision making; establish this tool within IMPEL member countries and other authorities.


IMPEL-ESIX is real-time communication tool for information exchange and cooperation in the area of nature conservation issues between enforcement officials, national authorities and (inter)national and regional organisations of stakeholders. All information relevant to protect birds coverd by the EU Bird Directive is part of the scope of the information exchange system.

The 2021 project aims to continue and expand exchange information between Enforcement and other Stakeholders about Illegal Killing and Catching Birds and research for possibilities to implement other subject such as Illegal logging and illegal trade in EU Habitat Directive species in this Information Exchange.

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