Project description and aims
The implementation of the EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking requires broad support, not just from the EU institutions, but also the EU agencies – Europol and Eurojust –, the Member States and their relevant agencies, the EU delegations, Member States Embassies in third countries.
The aim of this IMPEL project will be to analyse the different good practices to implement the EU tools to tackled wildlife trafficking and to build an orientation guide that can be share and used by all Member States.
A general goal of the project is to build a reference guide to a core group of implementing enforcement authorities of the EU Member States that enable them to successfully tackle the problem of the wildlife trafficking.
That includes:
- Exchanging solutions concerning implementation problems;
- Facilitating implementation and interpretation of available tools;
- Performing joint inspections;
- Developing web applications;
- Identifying implementation gaps;
- Providing an overview on the approaches in different European countries;
- Facilitating cooperation between actors from the compliance chain, also on defining consistent solutions for implementation problems.