Implementation and Enforcement of the EU Timber Regulation

2015 - 2015
Lead country and contact

Czech Republic

Tags Enforcement Inspection Risk assessment Timber regulation

Project description and aims

The state of play of implementation of the EU Timber Regulation is still unsatisfactory as demonstrated by the latest surveys conducted by the Commission. The outcome of the surveys is supported by parallel analysis of non-governmental organisations (e.g. WWF 2014 barometer, ClientEarth, Greenpeace). Absence of effective and uniform implementation and enforcement of the EU Timber Regulation is worrying as it may jeopardise the instrument and may have negative impact on the entire FLEGT Action Plan.

A main tool for achieving effective implementation and enforcement of the regulation is the checks carried out by the Member States` Competent Authorities on operators. Checks must be conducted in accordance with periodically reviewed plans following a risk-based approach, as provided for in Article 10(2) of the EUTR. Checks may be conducted also when a competent authority is in possession of relevant information, including on the basis of substantiated concerns provided by third parties. Checks may require collaboration with other authorities like the Customs and enforcement bodies like the prosecution office and the police.

To ensure uniform and effective implementation of the EU Timber Regulation across the EU it is necessary to collect and compare good practices in elaboration of risk based inspection plans, collaboration with other authorities and enforcement bodies and dealing with substantiated concerns provided by third parties.

This project aims to develop the following:

  • Case study on inspection plans the Competent Authorities in each Member State have set up;
  • Case study on the dealing with substantiated concerns provided by third parties;
  • General view on quantity and quality of the inspections.


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