BIOVAL – Ecosystems Recovery Calculation

Project news

BIOVAL tool website has been launched!


We are pleased to announce the launch of the BIOVAL tool website! Please check it out at 

BIOVAL is a joint project of EUFJE, IMPEL (the EU Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law), and ENPE (the European Network of Prosecutors for the Environment), and is funded by the European Commission. The project started in 2020 in order to develop and disseminate an indicative tool to value damage to nature in court, i.e. to help legal professionals calculate a financial compensation for damage to nature when restoration in natura is not possible. Without prejudice to the Environmental Liability Directive, BIOVAL is based upon the principles of environmental liability and “the polluter pays”, and contributes to reaching the goals of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2020-2030 of improving enforcement and restoring nature. In line with the requirements of Directive 2024/1203 of 11 April 2024 on the protection of the environment through criminal law it provides authorities a tool to calculate financial compensation when damage to nature is irreversible or cannot be restored by the offender. 

The BIOVAL methodology was developed with the expertise of the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek – INBO). The BIOVAL tool website explains this methodology, and provides an indicative list of values for 100 species of vertebrates in the Flemish region of Belgium (assessment to be extended to other regions, countries and to habitats). It also features a database of case law that uses the BIOVAL tool to assess compensation for nature damage in court. 

We will regularly update our Agenda with any events or trainings on BIOVAL. 

Please feel free to contact if you have any question about the BIOVAL tool.  

Please also check out IMPEL project page and this article about BIOVAL:

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