Linking the Directive on Industrial Emissions (IED) and REACH Regulation, phase I and II

2013 - 2014
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Tags IED Indicators/criteria Inspection Permitting REACH

Project description and aims

Phase I

In the Directive on Industrial Emissions (IED) there are many references to hazardous substances and the risks deriving from them. Consequently it is worthwhile to explore:

  • whether the requirements/obligations under REACH Regulation can be useful for permitting and inspection work;
  • what changes in REACH formats for registration, applications for authorisation would be possible in order to be even more compatible and provide added-value for IED permitting and inspection,
    which consequences (including positive effects) REACH requirements have for permitting and inspection activities, and
  • how to improve the synergies and complementary nature between these two pieces of legislation.

This project explored the following question: How do obligations from REACH Regulation interfere with IED statutory duties concerning permitting and inspection?

Phase II

The assessment of interlinks of the REACH Regulation with the IED during the first phase of the project, showed that downstream users/operators can benefit from the information generated under REACH and IED for cross-legislation compliance in many different situations. There is a need to raise awareness and to provide all the actors having a role in cross-legislation issues with guidance and tools on how to deal with and use the synergies. It was therefore recommended to organise a workshop on this matter.

In 2014 the IMPEL project on “Linking the Directive on Industrial Emissions (IED) and the REACH Regulation” (II) shall focus on raising awareness of the interlinks of the REACH Regulation with the IED on authority level and through that indirectly on the operator level.

The outcome of the project is a report, including:

  • an overview of instruments and tools concerning chemical substances existing for handling the item in permit procedures;
  • a definition of a set of data on chemical substances that is needed for permit applications;
  • a recommendation for a procedure how to deal with the obligation to use less hazardous substances;
  • identified guidance material and best practice;
  • recommendations.


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