The use of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and Chlorinated Hydrocarbons

2000 - 2005
Tags Air emissions BAT

Project description and aims

VOC Workshop (2005)

The objective of this project is to exchange information on the implementation of the VOC directive between experts and/or inspectors.  During an IMPEL-workshop, information about VOC-regulations in the Directive and some national laws were presented to the participants. The main focus was the discussion of the prepared case studies in small working groups, which consisted of between 8 and 16 members each. The main results were:

  • there are partially great differences between the national regulations in the EU-MS.
  • there are still different interpretations of some terms (eg installation, fugitive emission).
  • beneath national VOC-regulations also other common requirements for emission reduction exist (eg dust/particles).
  • some requirements in the directive have been criticized and there should be a review process.

VOC estimation measures (2000)

The objective of the project was to review the estimation methods and measures for diffuse VOC emissions in the EU and to propose guidelines in order to improve the monitoring, licensing and inspection of industrial activities.

Workshop on the Use of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Industrial Plants (2000)

The main objective of this workshop was to compare the situation in the Member States (MS) and Accession Countries (AC) and to give an overview on the current EU-regulations dealing with CHCs. The conclusions that could be drawn from the workshop were:

  • The VOC-directive is a starting point in the right direction, but its implementation has to be monitored and the obligation for soil-gas-analysis has to be amended.
  • The different technical standard in the MS and AC requires harmonisation in form of BAT or EN-documents.
  • Tighter national regulations/standards must still exist beneath VOC – directive
  • Generally there is an urgent need for information for the MS as well as for the AC. A data base concerning practices and guidelines in other countries, BAT and alternatives to CHC should be provided by IMPEL.
  • There is an urgent need for harmonisation of ECO-funds in order to support the remediation of old contaminated sites, the use of alternatives and substitutes to CHCs and the use of best technologies.



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