Supporting IED Implementation

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The Netherlands


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Project description and aims

The project aims to share knowledge and good practices among regulatory professionals and developing guidance and training materials to support the effective implementation of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED). Specific outcomes of the project over the next four years (2021-2024) will be:

  • A better understanding of the outstanding problems with IED implementation encountered by regulatory practitioners, so that the work of the project can prioritise and focus on helping to resolve those problems.
  • Supporting the application of risk-based approaches to the planning and execution of regulatory interventions so that the limited resources of environmental authorities can be more effectively applied in targeting installations and activities that are having the greatest impact on people and the environment and helping to resolve the most serious cases of non-compliance with the IED.
  • A better understanding of the efficiency and effectiveness of routine and non-routine environmental inspections and, where necessary enforcement action in promoting compliance and achieving the requirements of the IED.
  • Identifying the instruments within the IED that can contribute to the overall objective of achieving a circular economy in Europe and sharing good practices on how they are implemented.
  • Supporting the policy objectives and actions of the European Green Deal by evaluating how the implementation of the IED could be more effectively applied to improve energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote more efficient use of resources, and respond to the impacts of climate change.
  • More effective regulation of public nuisance problems arising from industry, including odours, noise and litter, by investigating the types and sources of conflicts and complaints and how different approaches are used to address and resolve them.
  • Improved application of BAT in environmental permitting by focusing on a range of specific technical issues, identifying and promoting good practices, and developing advice and guidance.
  • More robust verification of self-monitoring and reporting from duty holders by sharing and identifying good practices amongst regulatory organisations to improve the quality and reliability of self-monitoring data.
  • Improved quality of BREFs by ensuring that the knowledge and experience of regulatory practitioners is fed back into the cycle of review and revision of BREF documents.
  • A better understanding of the sources and contribution of specific pollutants from industrial sectors and how the implementation of existing environmental legislation, including the IED and Air Quality Directive could be improved to regulate and reduce air pollution, and to achieve relevant ambient air quality standards.
  • Practical solutions for the implementation of BAT Conclusions in the Waste Incineration sector to help to achieve a more level playing field across Europe.

The video below is IMPEL working group on intensive livestock farms which focuses on IED implementation and Best Available Techniques in this sector facilitating in Europe. The studies of this working group also include the Habitats Directive, aiming to secure biodiversity in natural areas. 

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