Project description and aims
The main objective of this IMPEL project has been to undertake an information exchange about real BREF use and BAT implementation, between IMPEL members and operational authorities in charge in the Member States of BREF diffusion and BAT implementation.
Some of the conclusions
- Information structure at national and EU level should be more clear and accessible for environmental authorities and industry operators.
- National guidelines / practices based on the BREFs and other information could in part replace the need for translated BREFs.
- Industry should take active part in the development of national guidelines and emission standards and in the preparation and revision of BREFs.
- Trade associations also have a key role in this information dissemination process.
- The main approaches for the BAT assessment are a standardised approach (legally binding / guiding standards defined at national or regional level), or a case by case permit granting approach, or a mixed of these two approaches.
- Experiences exchanges of good examples on permit giving procedures for different sectors can surely be helpful. It means free access to guidelines, information initiatives etc., in order to improve the level of information of authorities not only at national and regional, but also at local level.
- Internet, workshops, meetings, CD-ROMs, hotline, are the most common tools used to train permit writers and other stakeholders.
- The network that was built up during the BREF writing process could be used as informal source of information and support