Waste shipment inspection planning

Project outputs

Guidance and tools
Guidance on Effective Waste Shipment Inspection Planning

Under Regulation (EU) No 660/2014, EU Member States have to establish inspection plans for waste shipment inspections by 1st January 2017, in order to ensure the necessary capacity for inspections and effectively prevent illegal shipments. The guidance offers direction to authorities for drafting waste shipment inspection plans and conducting necessary risk assessments. It emphasizes the importance of inspection plans in preventing illegal waste shipments. The report outlines essential elements of a waste shipment inspection plan. Risk assessment should cover specific waste streams and sources of illegal shipments. The goal is to aid in understanding and applying inspection plans and to improve cooperation among agencies involved in waste shipment inspection.

Step-by-step guidance book for waste shipment inspections

The "Doing the Right Things for Waste Shipment Inspections" (DTRT-TFS) guidance book by IMPEL aims to aid practitioners in setting up and executing waste shipment inspection plans. It emphasizes consistent inspection planning and risk assessment to prevent illegal waste trade. The guidance book follows the Environmental Inspection Cycle, which includes describing the context, setting priorities, defining objectives and strategies, planning and review, guidance and equipment, execution and reporting, and performance monitoring. It provides a flexible methodology for Member States to comply with the Recommendation providing for minimum criteria for environmental inspections (RMCEI) and the EU Waste Shipment Regulation.

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