Waste sites

Project outputs

Guidance and tools
Waste sites manual

In view of problematic waste streams worldwide, notably of electronic waste, end-of-life vehicles and their components from Europe to Africa, waste shipment experts nowadays agree on the necessity to target more effectively the sources of illegal waste streams and the “upstream” facilities where such waste is collected, stored and/or treated prior to export. The IMPEL-TFS “Waste Sites” project, which started in early 2011, aims at a better understanding of those waste streams and facilities, at an exchange of information and best practices, and at the development of guidance on site identification, inspection and follow-up to promote compliance.

The present Waste Sites Manual is based on the experience of the project team, an analysis of existing guidance documents, questionnaires sent to IMPEL member countries and the results of an expert workshop in Frankfurt a.M. (Germany). It provides an introduction into the economics of the illegal waste trade and the legal context for waste sites, and highlights the importance of proactive measures, such as awareness-raising campaigns and the collaboration with customs authorities, trade associations and shippinglines. Guidance is then given on the identification of problematic waste sites and examples of successful methods used in some EU countries, such as the Waste Stream Approach. The central part of the Manual is devoted to the preparation and execution of site inspections, focusing on inspection methods, necessary information and contacts, distinction of waste and non-waste, and safety aspects. The last chapter of the document addresses the necessary follow-up to a site inspection. The text of the Manual is supplemented by 11 Annexes which include decision trees, checklists, relevant forms,
tables of procedural requirements and useful weblinks.

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