Waste management and Circular Economy (previous Landfill Inspections Project series)
Project outputs
A crucial element in the transition to the Circular Economy are the innovations at production and recycling facilities that aim at resource efficiency, the prevention of waste and the use of production residues or materials recovered from waste as secondary raw materials. A key condition for making these circular innovations work is to better connect policy, law and regulation on the ground. This guidance was developed to support regulators, policy- and law-makers and businesses in enabling and carrying through such innovations and rise to some of the commonly shared challenges.
The report contains the minutes of the MIW&IMPEL Conference, where the “Guidance for regulators on enabling innovations for the circular economy (prevention and recycling of waste)” has been launched.
As an inspection at a landfill has to cover different subjects. Based on IMPEL’s project on Landfills, the inspection team decided to choose certain subjects to focus on for this guidance, namely:
(1) Criteria and procedures for the acceptance of waste.
(2) Gas control.
(3) Protection of soil and water (underground water).
(4) Water control and leach ate management.
This guidance contains for each of the above mentioned subjects a short description, including the requirements in the Landfill Directive regarding this activity. Secondly reference is given to (know) existing guidance and tools in EU member states.