As part of the efforts to build and finalize the work in the project, experts from the WMCE project participated in the meeting at the environmental agency North Sea Canal Area headquarters in Zaandam.
Waste management and Circular Economy (previous Landfill Inspections Project series)
Project news

23-24 May 2024, the IMPEL WMCE Project Subgroup "By Products" Meeting in Valencia
"As part of the IMPEL project “Waste Management & Circular Economy (WMCE)”, a meeting of the subgroup “By Products” took place on Thursday 23 May and Friday 24 May 2024 in Valencia, Espana. The meeting was hosted by Carlos Bernácer and Eva Fornés, (Generalitat Valencia Conselleria de Medio Ambiente, Agua, Infraestructuras y Territorio, Dirección General de Qualitat i Educació Ambiental) and lead by Romano Ruggeri, project leader of WMCE.
The subgroup "By Products“ aims at supporting regulators in assessing circular innovations, within the framework of the relevant EU environmental legislation with specific focus on the assessment of the by-product status according to article 5 of the Waste Framework Directive.
The survey on by-products carried out in the member states was presented and some countries explained their assessment approach on by-products. The content of the on-going drafting of the Guidance was also discussed.
The participants visited RECIPUR ECO, S.L. a really interesting recycling and production facility. RECIPUR ECO, S.L. is a mattress manufacturing facility that uses polyurethane waste and by-product from the manufacturing process and mattress waste to ultimately create a new secondary raw material with the same properties and quality as non-recycled foam. Visitors had the opportunity to watch the processes, to discuss circular economy issues and to learn about the mattresses being produced from this material.
Last technical aspect was information and discussion on industrial symbiosis practices in the ceramic cluster presented by the “Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (ITC)”, Castellón de la Plana. e.g. past, present and future, actions to boost and pros and cons of implementing Industrial symbiosis".

IED & Circular Economy Meeting in Bratislava, 19-20 March, 2024
The IMPEL project's "Waste Management & Circular Economy" held a project meeting of the Subgroup "IED & Circular Economy" on March 19-20, 2024, in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, hosted by Anna Bohers and led by Romano Ruggeri.
The project is focusing on developing a guidance for integrating circular economy practices within the framework of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED). Participants embarked on a site visit to the Volkswagen IED installation, where they had the opportunity to explore the facility, discuss circularity issues, and analyze potential improvements to IED permits.
The project meeting covered aspects such as a circular plan for IED applications, a circular index for IED installations, recommendations for policymakers and stakeholders, the role of IED inspectors, and the role of EMS; participants have also shared case studies and best practices.
For more information about the project , please click ?here.