Guidance and tools (2)

Nature protection in permitting and inspection of industrial installations

Project: Nature protection in permitting and inspection of industrial installations – Implementation of Art. 6(3) of the Habitats Directive (phase 1, 2 & 3)

This report/tool focuses especially on clarification of screening criteria, assessment of significant effects, the assessment of cumulative impacts and, if possible mechanisms put in place to check compliance with permit conditions regarding mitigation measures established under Art. 6(3). In relation to dealing with Natura 2000 in permitting and inspection of industrial installations the project identified some good practices as described in the report.




IMPEL-ESIX is a communication tool developed by IMPEL to enable law enforcement officers and other stakeholders  to exchange and dissimilate information about  the subject of illegal killing and catching of birds (IKB). At a later stage other subjects, such as EU Timber Regulation and N2000 & Habitat Directive issues will be part of this system. 

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