Guidance and tools (1)

Nature protection in permitting and inspection of industrial installations

Project: Nature protection in permitting and inspection of industrial installations – Implementation of Art. 6(3) of the Habitats Directive (phase 1, 2 & 3)

This IMPEL project report focuses on nature protection within industrial installations, specifically concerning the implementation of Article 6(3) of the Habitats Directive. It examines how EU member states integrate nature protection into their permitting and inspection processes for industrial activities near Natura 2000 sites. The document discusses methodologies, legal backgrounds, and best practices related to assessing the impact of industrial emissions on these protected areas. It includes information on guidance documents, relevant court decisions, and the roles of different authorities and organizations. The report also explores specific cases, like intensive poultry or pig rearing and wind farm projects, to illustrate practical challenges and solutions. Additionally, the document addresses monitoring practices, information systems, and permit conditions related to Natura 2000 sites. Ultimately, the project aims to improve the consistent and effective implementation of the Habitats Directive across Europe.

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