Supporting IED Implementation
Project outputs
Various Aspects of BAT Conclusions and Permits/ 2024
This report and the associated factsheets set out the findings of an IMPEL working group relating to nine issues related to the interpretation and implementation of BAT. The working group used surveys and questionnaires to gather information on current approaches and identify best practice for inclusion in the report / factsheets
Waste Incineration BATc Survey 2024
The survey has been the first step of the WI subgroup’s work that aims to carry out practical tools to help inspectors and permit writers. It wants to “take a picture” of the state of art on how permit writers within IMPEL members are effectively implementing WI BAT Conclusions on the base of their experience/knowledge.
Integrated Risk Assessment Method II (IRAM II)/ 2023
The IRAM II project is a follow up of IRAM I (Integrated Risk Assessment Method), which was developed to fulfil the requirements of Article 23 of the Industrial Emission Directive (IED). IRAM I is focused on the frequency of the site visits for environmental inspections. The IRAM II project checks on how much time will be needed for a site visit and on which environmental aspect (e.g., emissions to air) deeper focus should be necessary during a particular site visit
Supporting IED Implementation/ 2019
The IED project is intended to help achieve better implementation of the IED. An initial IED project was carried out in 2015 and subsequent projects were carried out in 2016, 2017 and 2018.This work has been incorporated into a draft guidance book and has been continued into the project in 2019
Inspections in WWTP/ 2018
The present report intends to be a first approach to deal with the topic of assessing compliance of wastewater discharging by industrial installations with EU legislation; consequently, it is mainly addressed to inspection Authorities that have to tackle this task.
Operator Self Monitoring/ 1999
The monitoring of industrial processes, their releases and their impact on the environment are key elements of regulatory control. This paper reviews the benefits, scope and legal considerations relevant to operator self-monitoring’ regimes. It provides guidance on formulating statutory requirements and the role of the competent authorities
ToRs 2022-24
Project's References