Guidance and tools (5)

Neighbourhood dialogue – Toolkit

Project: Resolution of environmental conflicts by neighbourhood dialogue

This document is aimed at authorities and companies who want to use or promote a direct dialogue approach to solving environmental conflicts between residents and industrial sites. A number of Member States have been involved in a series of projects on establishing neighbourhood dialogues, which collected and evaluated examples of how environmental conflicts between companies and their neighbourhoods could be solved by dialogue.

Guidelines for monitoring the tanning industry

Project: INSPECTAN: Environmental Inspection Guidelines for the Tanning Industry

The present report originates from the results of a questionnaire, discussed in meetings held over the interval October 2004 – June 2005. The discussion concentrated on the economics; the production processes; laws and regulations; inspection procedures. The report is conceived as a tool for the public bodies involved in controls and in monitoring activities on the tanning industry. To this end it collates the experiences of several European contexts of the leather and tanning industry. 

Inspection guidance book for intensive piggeries

Project: Improving permitting and inspection of IPPC pig farming installations by developing practical guidance

This guidance book is the result of the collaboration of the countries represented in the IMPEL project “Improving permitting and inspection of IPPC pig farming installations”. The aim of the project is to develop practical tools for IPPC pig farm inspectors.

Wastewater treatment plants: how to deal with inspections

Project: Supporting IED Implementation

The IMPEL report focuses on wastewater treatment plants and how to handle inspections1.... It is addressed to inspection authorities to help them assess the compliance of industrial wastewater discharge with EU legislation2. The report provides an overview of the regulatory framework and monitoring requirements for urban and industrial wastewater3. Best Available Techniques (BAT) regarding wastewater management are highlighted3. It also presents guidance and practical tools for wastewater inspections, including checklists and sampling activities3. The document summarizes the results of a survey conducted among Member States3. The report also touches on self-monitoring reports, their minimum content, and their role in verifying compliance with Emission Limit Values (ELVs)4. The Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) is the main EU instrument regulating pollutant emissions from industrial installations

Guideline on Environmental Inspection Guidelines for The Cement Clinker Industry/ 2007

Project: INSPECT-CEM – Enviromental Inspection Guidelines for the Cement Clinker Industry

The INSPECT-CEM report provides environmental inspection guidelines for the cement clinker industry, resulting from a collaboration of experts from 13 countries. It identifies air emissions and waste usage as critical environmental concerns in cement plants. The report offers a guideline for conducting environmental inspections in cement plants. It emphasizes the importance of integrated control actions, considering production processes and technologies alongside stack emissions. The document aims to establish a consistent controlling method and approach for environmental controls on cement factories.  It is designed to aid inspectors in performing environmental controls, improve skills, and promote consistent controls across EU member states

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