Projects (2)

Climate Emergency Umbrella Programme

2021 | Ongoing
The declaration of a climate emergency (as well as an increasing awareness of the impact of plastic, biodiversity decline and now the impacts of a global pandemic & potential green recovery) are having a profound impact on policy, how we regulate and on those that we regulate. The pressures to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases, the reduction of carbon or supporting green recovery are increasing yet few regulators have the correct tools to begin to tackle these issues. This programme hopes to tackle these issues by designing tools and approaches that regulators can use to meet these emerging challenges. It is proposed that a programme of work is established that will cover the period 2021-2024.
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Emission trading

2004 - 2007 | Completed
The objectives of this work on emissions trading (phase I – III), were to pull together the various regulators and bodies involved with implementation and understand any differences in approach and any impact that might have on the functioning of the scheme. Wherever possible this should lead to harmonisation of operational practices and therefore a harmonisation of the operation of the scheme.
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