Water and Land Remediation



Project description and aims

The contaminated sites management is a process that has different speeds in Member States. This is due partly to differences in legislation that would mean different definitions as for making some examples “potentially contaminated sites”, “contaminated sites”, “remediated sites”. For this reason, the European Commission-JRC launched an initiative with EEA-EIONET network to find common definitions and a survey in MS in 2018 that resulted in defining 6 site statuses.

The expected outcomes of this projects are:

  •  Support/exchange technical experience required to make progress with the Remediation phase in Europe in order to enable those MS in which no procedure is currently taking place to have one reference.
  • To share knowledge, skills and good practices, producing technical guidance, coordinating action between countries.
  • To involve the main European Networks that deals with contaminated sites issues like COMMON FORUM, Eionet WG Contamination, and NICOLE.

Activities 2024


The project team has released two draft reports as below. You are invited to submit your comments draft reports, share this possibility to your colleagues, using exclusively the commenting template. Comments could be general, technical, editorial. Reviewers names will be mentioned in the acknowledgement part of the reports. Comments/observations should be submitted using the reported formats not later than 6th of September 2024 at, with object “ISTD comments” or “PHYTO comments”. 

  • ISTD, In Situ Thermal Desorption 

Download the draft report 👉  InSitu-Thermal Desorption IMPEL DRAFT REPORT.pdf 

Download the commenting template 👉  ISTD Commenting template.docx 

  • Phytoremediation

Download the draft report 👉 Phytoremediation IMPEL DRAFT REPORT.pdf 

Download the commenting template 👉PHYTO Commenting template.docx


The project team is collecting case studies on Biopile and In Situ Chemical Reduction. Your input is appreciated and not all the questions should be answered if not relevant. The deadline is 28th February 2024

Activities 2023

  • The project team is working on preparing two new documents on Thermal Desorption and Phytoremediation. First draft is expected for  February 2024.

Final reports 2022

The project team released final reports on Multi Phase Extraction in November 2022 and in Soil Washing in January 2023. The translation of these reports are in progress (expected for September 2023)

Multi Phase Extraction (MPE) report (EN)

Soil Washing (SW) report (EN)

In situ Chemical Oxidation (Final reports 2021)

The project team has released the following final reports in 2021 about In Situ Chemical Oxidation in several EU languages:

In Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) report (EN)

Oxidacion Quimica "in situ" (ISCO) (ES)

Rapport sur l'oxydation chimique in situ (OCIS) (FR)

Έκθεση για την επιτόπια χημική οξείδωση (ΕΤΧΟ),Τελική έκθεση (GR)

Ossidazione chimica in situ (ISCO) report (IT)

In situ chemische oxidatie (ISCO) (NL)

Utlenianie Chemiczne In Situ - raport (PL)

Relatório – Oxidação Química In Situ (ISCO) (PT)

Raport privind Oxidarea Chimică in-situ (ISCO). (RO)

In Situ Kemična Oksidacija (In Situ Chemical Oxidation - ISCO) poročilo (SI)

In situ chemická oxidácia (ISCO), Záverečná správa (SK)

Yerinde Kimyasal Oksidasyon Raporu (TR)

Soil Vapour Extraction (Final reports 2021)

The project team has released the following final reports in 2021 about Soil Vapour extraction in several EU languages:

Soil Vapour Extraction (SVE) report (EN)

Extracción de vapores del suelo (SVE) (ES)

Rapport sur l'extraction des vapeurs du sol (EVS). (FR)

Έκθεση για την εξαγωγή ατμών εδάφους. (GR)

Estrazione vapori da suolo (SVE) (IT)

Bodemlucht-Extractie -report (NL)

Ekstrakcja Par z Gruntu (SVE) - raport (PL)

Relatório - Extração de Vapor do Solo (SVE) (PT)

Raport privind extracția vaporilor din sol (SVE). (RO)

Ekstrakcija talnih hlapov (Soil Vapour Extraction - SVE) poročilo (SI)

Extrakcia pôdneho vzduchu (SVE) (SK)

Toprak Gazı Ekstraksiyonu (SVE) Raporu (TR)

Related files/information

• Soil Thematic strategy.
• COM(2006)231 final.
• Stockholm Convention (art. 6, last version).
• MINAMATA Convention on Mercury.
• No net land take by 2050 reported for the first time in the Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe, COM(2011) 571 final.

Number: 2021/08-WP6, 2020/09 – Status: Ongoing – Period: 2021 – Topic: Water and land - Tags: water

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